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HORSE, Chapters 1, 2, 3 Go!




HORSE begins as an exploration, a story discovered simultaneously in words and pictures, the acts of typing and drawing. From there it grows, drawing foregrounded and stylized, words made organic in handwriting. And then to three dimensions, where impressions of actual horses must grow out of commercial objects and where words themselves become decorative. Where will it go from here?


The story involves delving in, grappling with pain, exposing it, and being forced to put it back away.


The images shift from raw graphite to pressed toner to mass-produced plastic, attempts at realism to strange personification to decorations made for cupcakes. The text begins with narrative and is finally sequestered into supporting surfaces. 


So far, HORSEcomprises seven chapters. The first three develop over thirty-five 8” x 11” panels of card stock and toner, hanging with rough masking tape. Chapters 4 and FIVE appear in an ink drawing on 18” x 22” paper. Chapters 6 and 7 are small assemblages—the first a barnyard scene and the second a closet made of a cigar box. Chapters 8 and 9 are in process.



HORSE, detail from Chapter 1.


HORSE, Chapter 6, When In Rome.


HORSE, Chapter 7, Back Into the Closet.

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